The 10 major elements we worked on in August:

1) The long-awaited V2 of the Page Builder is now available!

2) We've seen a significant uptick in partnerships this month, largely due to the ability to create personal pages with the V2. Notable figures in the space, including wale.swoosh, PPman, FFV, and VonDoom, now feature a Side link in their bio.

3) The total number of followers among our partners with a Side link in their bio has passed the 10 million mark.

4) A new community vote was held on our **Snapshot DAO**, regarding the integration of the Polygon network. An overwhelming 97.78% endorsed the proposal.

5) One week after the DAO vote, we successfully integrated the Polygon blockchain into Side.

6) Side Troopers have seen remarkable growth. From mid-August to early September, active Troopers surged from 24 to over 80, and their followers are also consistently climbing.

7) The new "Tags" feature is available. Users can now append various tags to their Side pages, enhancing visibility through Side’s search system and broadening their exposure.

8) With the latest integration of Snapshot into the page builder, you can now showcase your most recent proposals directly on your Side page.

9) Our website has been reworked, with a focus on simplicity and user-friendly navigation.

10) The token-minter has been temporarily disabled on our App. We are currently reworking its structure and features.